Monday, May 12, 2008

Just a recap on the events that have been going on lately. My sister and her 2 boys were just here for a visit from Ft. Myers. We had soo much fun!! Unfortunately EVERYONE in the house got the norovirus...aka, the worst stomach virus ever!!! Jonathan got it first and so the next day Jay and I decided to take Tyler for the afternoon so he wouldnt get it but while we were in the car, he showered himself in throwup. Poor baby. Then that night Kristi got it, then my mom, then my dad!! Isn't that crazy??? It's a MIRACLE Jay and I didnt get it. I feel so bad that they had to spend their vacation sick though. On Thursday we went to the Canton Flea Market. Its become a tradition and it's sooo much fun being with the girls for the day. But this was the day that my dad was sick so we had the boys with us. It was different and interesting but we still had so much fun!! Jonathan and I also had several dates and he spent the night with me whie Jay was out of town. :) I love my nephews sooooooooooo much!!!! Friday or Saturday night (I can't remember) we all went on the boat for Pepsi Pops. The Jackson orchestra plays and then they have a fireworks show. It was fun! They left early yesterday but I know they're all glad to be home!
Jay's been traveling for work a lot lately. Now that he's doing commercial work, they have locations all over the place and he's being sent to them. I miss him sooooo much when he's gone but Daisey has been keeping me company. Plus work keeps me super busy. I have the day off today but I have a ton of things to do. Work has been great. It's been pretty crazy though with all my new responsibilities. I feel like I really have a handle on it though. Nothing bad has happened so we're just kind of holding our breath. We have some exciting news at Amy Head though...we are moving locations!! After 20+ years tucked away at the end of a culdesac, we are going to be right in the middle of everything! It will definetley bring in more foot traffic so that will be different from what we're used to but it'll be so fun!
I don't have much more to talk about. I know this had been boring but I haven't felt like writing lately. Just wanted to keep everyone up to date. Hope all the mommys had a great mothers day!!!! Talk soon!

1 comment:

Heather said...

You will have to let me know where ya'll move to so I can home again for the makeup for my bridal session. Did you see the pictures from our engagement pictures?