Saturday, April 5, 2008

i got tagged

Thanks Morg!
The rules of the game get posted at the beginning. Each player answers the questions about themselves. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people, posts their names, and then leaves a comment on their blogs, letting them know they've been tagged.

What was I doing 10 years ago?

1. I was 14 and thinking life couldnt be anymore complex..haha, little did I know!

2. I was very into my figure skating competitions and dreaming of the Olympics :)

3. Spent every free minute with the Purple Hippos or my hilarious friend Jamie

4. I was going on any trip that CHBC offered, mission trips, camps...

5. This was the age when you always wrote notes to your friends so I did a lot of that!

5 Things On My To-Do List Today:

1. Work at Amy Head

2. Go by The Club for a tour

3. Mail invitations to a shower

4. Go by the bank and the market

5. Do laundry from Florida

5 Things I Would Do If I Were a Billionaire:

1. same things I do now just more of it...tithe

2. pay off house

3. open an Amy Head Studio

4. give money and show people how to manage it

5. travel, travel, travel

5 Bad Habits:

1. caffeine

2. not taking out my contacts

3. being too scheduled

4. obsessively working out

5. not changing the oil in my car often enough

5 Places I Have Lived:

1. Amory, Ms

2. Madison, Ms

3. Jackson, Ms

4. DeLand, FL

5. Madison, Ms

5 Jobs I Have Had

1. serving iced tea to addicts like me at McAlisters

2. EVERYTHING at The Courthouse Gym for 8 years

3. teller at Bank Plus....sooo boring

4. Clinique...awful experience..I actually prayed for Jesus to return

5. my AMAZING job at Amy Head Studio

5 Tags:

1. Lindsey

2. Brycie

3. Olivia

4. Steven

5. Emily

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