What is your name? Kimberly
How old are you? 24. omg!
When is your birthday? December 2
Are you looking forward to it? nooo, i get anxiety every time i think about it
Why? b/c i am getting ooooooold :(
Are you happy? i truly am
What makes you happiest? when i can have a part in someone giving their life to Christ
Are you afraid of something? "what time i am afraid i will put my trust in thee"
Do you live alone, or with someone else? with someone
Who? jay and daisey
Do you have any pets? our precious pup daisey
What is your favorite cartoon? i never really liked cartoons but i like the song from mia the bee
Have you ever hit a deer? haha, long story
Do you drink? no
Do you prefer beer or liquor? i dont prefer either
What is your favorite non-alcoholic drink? TEA!!! unsweet iced tea with splenda...yum, i want some now!!!
What kind of cell phone do you have? pink razor
Do you like it? not really, but it was a sweet gift and i wanted it BAD at the time
What is the funniest word you ever heard? man, i was just thinking of one yesterday and now i cant remember
Do you hate it when people call you "dear"? not really
To whom have you sent the most text messages? idk, it depends
What did you do for new year's eve? nothing...lol, i was asleep
were there lots of pictures? no
What is your favorite movie? i havent seen a good one in a while, but i love the notebook
What is your favorite song? there are soo many, depends on what im doing though
What concerts do you want to see in 2008? hannah montana!! lol
Do you have any tattoos? i do have one
What is your favorite place to chill out? on a boat or anywhere outside, i love sitting outside at little cafes
What is your favorite song to play on guitar hero? i concentrate too hard to notice what song it is...i sound like i play all the time, i've only played once..
Do you work out? errry day
Do you wear any jewelry? yes
What is your favorite memory of the past couple of years? i think this past time jay and i were in new york, it was really fun and romantic
What is your goal for the year? be successful in all areas of my life
What do you think about when you first wake up? i gotta pee and im hungry :)
Do you shower daily? yes
....alone? um...really
Have you ever eaten sushi? yum, i looove sushi
Did you like it? love it, snow crab rolls, no rice..they're so cute cuz they look naked
List three things you can't live without: Jay, Jesus and tea....hehe
What is your best physical feature? hmm, jay likes my legs, i like my shoulders
What is your middle name? breanne...or ramsey
Do you get choked up during dramatic movies? sometimes
What is your biggest pet peeve? people being late...omg
have you ever liked someone that all of your friends hate? yeah
Is there anything that you regret? this question cracks me up...OF COURSE THERE IS...and its so funny when people say "no,
b/c it made me who i am"...pu-lease
Do you want children? probably someday but i'm happy with my nephews and my puppy now
How many? not sure but they will probably be adopted
Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket? nope
What is your favorite number? 3 or 13
What is your favorite sports team? i'm not really a diehard fan of anyone in particular
What is your most over-used phrase? "thats so funny"
What do you not say enough? "no thanks, i dont want a cookie" :)
You and your other half: both of us, we're one
Did you get over your ex, or are you over him/her? sooo over
Are you currently with someone? yeah!
Do you love him/her? sooooo much
Who said "I love you" first? i THINK it was him but not really sure
Where? i guess i should know this...but i dont remember?
Would you date your ex again? no way
What is your longest relationship? well, ive been married 3 1/2 years
What is your most significant relationship? my mariage
What is the most romantic thing a significant other can do? the little everyday things
Do you like pet names? no
Do you have any? not really
Is there anything that you won't tolerate in a relationship? dishonesty
Do you believe in living together before engagement/marriage? nope
Where did you meet your significant other? at church
Have you ever broken up? no
Have you ever had your heart broken? not by a boy but i've been "broken hearted" over situations in life
Have you ever broken someone's heart? i hope not
What is your significant other's birthday? Oct. 7..wow, i serisously had to think for 2 minutes about this..yikes!
What is your anniversary? Sep. 25
Does this person know you better than anyone else? for sure
Is this person younger than you? haha, no
Where was your first date? Mainstreet cafe in Florida
Would you marry this person? i DID
Are you happy with your sex life? i'll spare you all with this question
who is "Your" band? dont have one
What is "Your" song? we love "feels like home"...good memories
Do you think you'll be together for a long time? forever, such a good feeling
Do you lay in bed and cuddle a lot? yeah but i get really got at night so it's limited...haha
Where was the last place you went together? to small group last night