1.) If I were a doll, the accessories packaged with me would be?
K: i-pod shuffle, iced tea, makeup and a gift gard for forever 21
J: baseball stuff
2.) I have an irrational way of:
K: proving that I'm right...but i am...always
J: driving (okay, I (Kimmie) answered this one)
3.) What type of food do you eat at your grandparents house?
K: honestly? cold turkey, by the time everyone gets around to eating it's not warm anymore
J: i don't
4.) What weight were you when you were born?
K: 8 something...i was a honker
J: 7 something I think
5.) What would you do if you were stranded on an island with the person you hate most?
K: I dont actually hate anyone but I'm sure I could work it out
J: Play jokes on them
6.) What would you do if you found out you had been cheated on?
K: I'd be shocked b/c Jay would never do it but I love him so much that I would forgive him
J: ditto
7.) Do you stalk anyone on myspace?
K: don't have myspace
J: me either
8.) The last text I got from someone:
K: "lol thanx have a splendid evening" from my bro
J: i dont get texts
9.) Next door to my house is(are):
K: great neighbors
J: a cool little dog named onyx
10.) My nails are:
K: freshly manicured...by me
J: manicured (they really are, he's obsessive)
11.) The last person to call me was:
K: Jay, I'm a texter so I rarely talk on the phone
J: Mr Jim
12.) Your dream job:
K: Im doing it...but I would love to own my own studio one day
J: Pro baseball player :)
13.) Know how to cook?
K: of course!!
J: I'm a gourmet chef (ha!)
14.) I am annoyed with:
K: people who dont take responsibility for their lives
J: these questions
15.) What is the worst way you were dumped?
K: i've never actually been dumped..not since it mattered anyway
J: being cheated on
17.) What sea creature scares you?
K: every one of them....even nemo
J: great white shark
18.) What color hair do most of the people you are around have?
K: i think its a good mix
J: brunette
19.) What object have you broken most recently?
K: billy b makeup brush
J: a drill bit today
20.) Name one of the Spice Girls.
K: pu-lease, i can name them all...Posh, Scary, Sporty, Baby and Ginger
J: Posh
21.) Last thing that made you cry?
K: watching Heath Ledgers funeral when his friends went into the ocean
J: laughing
22.) What are the stems on wine glasses for?
K: looks i guess
J: to hold it with
23.) My favorite shoes are?
K: thats like picking a favorite child...but I LOVE bcbg's and stevens
J: aldos
24.) Can you use chopsticks?
K: like a pro
J: not so good
25.) Do you prefer beaches or forests?
K: beaches
J: forests
26.) Who's your third text from?
K: my brother i think
J: dont text
27.) Who knows a secret or two about you?
K: jay
J: kimberly
28.) Have you ever burned yourself?
K: yeah, the sweet little scars of being a newlywed
J: yes
29.) Who is probably talking about you behind your back right now?
K: hopefully no one
J: ??
30.) Who is your hero[es]?
K: anyone who has given up their lives for Christs sake
J: spiderman, duh
39.) Where is your sister right now?
K: ft myers :(
J: dont have one
40.) Do you believe in things that last forever?
K: you mean like recycling? :)
J: salvation and love
41.) What are you listening to?
K: CSI Miami...my man heratio
J: CSI Miami
42.) What do you smell like?
K: dolce
J: cherries at midnight
43.) Are you married?
K: yes to my precious husband of 3 1/2 years
J: yeah to the hottest wife ever (he really said that, i promise)
44.) Does anyone regularly tell you they love you?
K: yes, i am very blessed
J: yes my beautiful wife kimberly (i think hes trying to butter me up)
46.) Do you have any bad habits?
K: splenda
J: shaking my drink cup (okay i wrote this one b/c it bothers me soooo much, the ice jiggles and its so loud)
47.) Have you ever wanted to be a teacher?
K: yeah but only b/c of my obsession with school supplies
J: no
48.) What is one thing you've learned about life?
K: its precious
J: we are given life for a reason
49.) What's your favorite color?
K: turquoise i spose
J: blue
50.) Have you ever been stuck in an elevator?
K: oh my yes, at my grandmas apartment when i was like 4
J: i dont think so
51.) What does your dad call you?
K: kimmer
J: jay
52.) Has anyone told you that they like you more than a friend?
K: haha, i hope so
J: kimmie :)
53.) What are you looking forward to?
K: what life has in store for us
J: our trip to nashville
54.) How are you today?
K: Productive
J: joyous (okay now he's getting a bit sarcastic, i think he's over it)
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