Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A happier note...

So I felt like I needed to add something a little more upbeat so I did this question thing. It's kinda long and boring but dont read it if you dont want to...

Can you Drive a manual? a stick? yep, it's what i learned to drive with.

Something that keeps you going everyday? definetly crack...unsweet iced tea ;)

Do you own a gun? no, i want one but i'd be afraid jay would sleep walk and shoot me or something

Do you like who you are? i am a child of God and i LOVE it

Do you have A.D.D.? nah, i'm pretty focused

Country you've been in? north and south america, mexico

Aren’t thunderstorms awesome? yeah, except now that we have satellite they can get kind of boring when the tv goes out...
Who is your cell carrier? att

Would you rather be rich or famous? rich, i would never ever enjoy being famous

Do you like the cold? i dont hate anything more

Are you happy you are alive? i feel so blessed to be alive

Do you think gay marriage is wrong? i do, it's just not the way God intended, but i do enjoy a gay man every now and then...very easy to get along with

Do you like looking up at the stars? i can't actually look up b/c of my neck and i never take the time to lay down and look at them

Would you ever cheat on anyone? never ever ever ever

Do you want to move? in a while but i know this is where we're sposed to be right now

Do you burn or tan? tan

Are your parents still married? yes, such great examples

Are you happier single or in a relationship? with my husband!

Do you have any children? just our pup daisey and hopefully she's all for a long while

What other languages do you speak? ebonics

Do you daydream a lot? i dont have the time to daydream

Do you like swimming? i love it

What is the make and model of your phone? moto razr

Would you ask your crush out? i dont have much contact with zac efron...lol

Do you like the ocean? i love it..or maybe i just love the idea of it...

What are your thoughts on stay at home moms? they work harder than any other job in the world, i have so much respect for them

What are your thoughts on abortion? knowing how difficult it is for some to conceive and then seeing the tragedy of losing a child, i can't imagine how anyone could go through with an abortion

What are your thoughts on affirmative action? i hate to say that i can't give an educated answer on this

Who did you last get angry with? the man i att had to call from work...i was red hot

Do you still live with your parents? nope, not in many years

Coke or Pepsi? havent had soda in years

How many credit cards do you own? none!

Liberal or Conservative? in between

Would you ever go skydiving? yes but i'd have to be pushed out of the plane

Have you lost any one close to you? yes, it's such a deep pain but it's such a natural part of life

How many times did you hit the snooze button on your alarm clock this morning? none, i usually wake up before it even goes off

Do you think you are smart? i do

Talk to any of your ex's? i guess technically

How old were you when you got your first kiss? 15

Do you do your own laundry? yeah but i want a maid soooo bad

Do you want to get married? i LOVE being married

Do you want kids? someday i want a whole herd of them

Are you shy? no but i can be introverted sometimes

How many times have you moved? i dont feel like counting

Do you hear voices? sure

Who is the last person to call you? my momma

How many e-mails do you have? i just deleted them all

What is in your nightstand draw? everyone knows thats private ;)

Are you religious? i'm spiritual

How do you feel when someone betrays you? sad for them that they haven't learned that life lesson

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